
Comprehensive SAP Support to Resolve Payroll Issues

Comprehensive SAP Support to Resolve Payroll Issues

An electricity and gas utility company had implemented a new ERP system. We onboarded and managed accountants and professionals with payroll and SAP expertise to implement system upgrades and train staff.


An electricity and gas utility company had implemented a new ERP system to consolidate a patchwork of functional-specific programs inherited through acquisitions that encompassed HR, supply chain, and finance. The new system went live during the hectic aftermath of a major storm—only to discover it was incapable of accounting for pay and expenses for thousands of workers who had worked overtime on storm restoration.


A Big Four firm had previously assisted the client with this initiative, but the company needed more comprehensive help and the ability to work quickly. We brought a large team to this project because many issues needed to be immediately rectified and programmed in SAP to provide a permanent solution. Over a two-week holiday period, we onboarded and managed over 100 accountants and professionals with payroll and SAP expertise to implement system upgrades and train staff, ensuring they could be immediately productive with the improved system.


Over a 10-month period, we resolved more than 10,000 payroll issues, meeting critical deadlines imposed by two states. Our ability to provide significant staff augmentation and expertise enabled the company to complete the overall payroll stabilization process within a single quarter while avoiding regulatory penalties.




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